Saving is
an important thing to do. It is not good to use all your money. Well! There are
expenses for you to handle and there will always be but the fact is, not every
expenses you attend as long as you are not living above the standard of your
income. At some point in life, the need for certain important and urgent
expenses arises, it is your savings that will safe you at this point. According to
definition; Savings is that which has been saved, particularly money that has
been set aside for the future. Here are four important ways to build up your
Put away your excess income. Make savings a priority in your life. If your income is
$1000 and you have extra $400 after attending to important expenses, do not
lavish the extra on unnecessary things. Save it for tomorrow.
- Start saving young. Even if you're still in school, saving is still important. People who save well treat it more as an ethic than necessity. If you save early, and then invest that savings wisely, a small initial contribution can snowball (compound) into a significant sum. It literally pays to be forward-thinking.
Start an emergency fund. Saving is all about frittering away expendable income.
Having expendable income means not having debt. Not having debt means being
prepared for emergencies. Therefore, a rainy-day fund can really help you out
when it comes to saving money.
- Think about it like this: your car breaks down and you suddenly have $2,000 in extra payments. You didn't plan on this happening, so you have to take out a loan. Credit is tightening up, so your interest rates might be pretty high. Pretty soon, you're paying 6 or 7 percent interest on a loan, which cuts into your ability to save for the next half-year.
- If you had an emergency fund, you could have avoided bringing on the debt, and the associated interest rates, in the first place. Being prepared really pays.
Begin paying off your debt once
you're established. Whether it's credit card debt or
debt left on your mortgage, having debt can seriously cut into your ability to
save. Start with debt that has the highest interest rate. (If it's your
mortgage, try paying off larger chunks of it, but focus on non-mortgage
payments first.) Then, move onto your second-highest rate loan, and begin
paying that off. Move down the line, in decreasing order, until you've paid off
your entire debt load.
Begin really ramping up for
retirement. If you're getting to be that age
(45 or 50), and you haven't started saving for retirement, it's really
important to start ramping up right away. if you're older than 50, you can even
make so-called catch-up contributions if you want to pad your retirement
- Put a high priority on saving money for retirement — even higher priority than saving for your children's college education. Whereas you can always borrow money to help pay for college, you can't borrow money to help fund retirement.
- If you're totally in the dark about how much money you should be saving, consult a professional or you simply contact the admin of through this mail