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Tuesday, 23 August 2016

When Sex Is Not Sensed

    Sex is simply the act of having of sexual intercourse with someone based on interest and agreement. There is nothing like unexpected sex unless it is a rape. Can two walk together except they agree? Either you are foretold or not, there will be signals before sex happens. Starting from desperate looks, then to touch and so on.

   Some people find it difficult to control their sexual urge and can lead them to damnation. Having sex around is very risky and it is easy to bring a great man down with sex. There are reasons why you should control your sexual urge. Click here to know why you should control your sexual urge.

   Back to our topic, it is generally known that excess of everything is bad. Let me take you to something you know very well. Water, is very important and we can't do without it. We use it to cook, bath and so on. But at some point when water is in excess you dare not play with it like u do in your bathroom. Excess of water leads to river, excess of rivers leads to ocean. When rain falls too much, it leads to flood. When sun shines too much it gives apollo, when air is too much it leads to storm or wind, when sand is too much it leads to sinking sand. Too much of fire burns the needed thing. So also the excess of sex leads to loss of real pleasure. You can't compare the pleasure you had at the first time to the ones you had after running a high mileage. That's why Pre-marital sex is not good. You tend to lose pleasure when you need it most. You tend to lose the great pleasures embedded in it when you overdo it when it is not needed.

   Man is a spirit, and everything a man does comes from the spirit, but what you know and experience physically determines how strong your spirit is. Living a reckless life makes the spirit man in you weak. It is easy to get caught with sex compare to any other strategy. It is better you control your urge for it before it destroys your sensation. Let me give you an example. You have a sex partner, and maybe she went out of town for a couple of weeks the pleasure or sex sensation you will have when you meet again to have sex will definitely be greater than when u do it frequently. This is to let you know no matter how addicted you are to it, you can regain your pleasure with time. Stop it till the right time. It is for the best experience.