Motivational Words on Finance, Career, Business, Education, Relationship and so on..

Saturday 29 October 2016

The Receiver You Need

   Without a radio a radio station is useless. What prompts the founding of radio stations is the production of radios, because radio is meant to receive message(s) coming from radio stations and deliver it to the people.

Genesis 1.1-2a “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

    God created heaven and earth but the earth was without form, empty and full of darkness. Earth was faced with the biggest problem of life. The moment we are created, there is a problem. What is shapeless need to be moulded to have a form; what is empty need to be filled; and what is full of darkness need light.

    Before a new born baby becomes what he/she is, is due to some processes that has occurred to him/her in the womb. A baby was without form during the first month in the womb. He was empty and got filled up; he was in darkness in the mother’s womb but was brought to light when he was born.

   Earth was in darkness while heaven was in light because God dwells in heaven. But when the earth repented he was brought to light. 

  God speaks to earth through a receiver and the receiver delivers the message to the earth.
Gen 1.2b-3 “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

   You cannot receive the packages God have for you if you do not possess the Spirit the God which is your spiritual receiver. It was until the Spirit of God moved upon the earth that the earth was able to hear the voice of the Lord. It is that Spirit that will connect you and God together and that is when you will become God’s image. 

   How can you have this Spirit, the Holy Spirit? You need to have a genuine repentance and be born again then the Spirit will come over you and the Lord will speak to your life and you will be brought to light. You are still like a baby in the womb if you are without the Holy Spirit. No form, empty and no light.

   The power in Christ Jesus will shine light to every dark areas of your life. 

   Stay blessed.

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