Motivational Words on Finance, Career, Business, Education, Relationship and so on..

Saturday 22 October 2016

Time To Rise

    Rising is a gradual process. It is something that is at its low level that needs to rise. You cannot tell someone standing to stand again, you will tell someone sitting to stand. To rise is to stand and grow to your peak. To rise is to stand and move to your destiny. To rise is to stand and work to fulfill God’s purpose in your life.

   There is a point in your life when you experience downs, but when God sees it is enough He will raise you up. Like God did to the Israelites, they’ve been in captive for 400yrs, they were tied down, working like an elephant, serving who they are not meant to serve and so on. But when the time to rise came, God sent Moses to them and he delivered them and they rose and move to their promise land. When your time to rise comes, nothing can stop it because it is God at work.

    Before any miracle can be done in your life, you need to rise first, and sometimes rising up is the miracle your life needs, God always know what you need at a point in your life.

    You cannot execute the power, strength and the gifts God gave you without you rising first, and you cannot use the good things God gave you without rising.

Isaiah 52.1a “AWAKE, awake; put on thy strength, O Zi’on; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem.”

   The walking of a baby does not happen at once, it is a process. The creation of man is a process, so also rising of a man is a process. When your time to rise comes, God will turn around all the situations around you to work in the process of your rising.

Isaiah 52.2 “Shake thyself from the dust; ARISE, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.”

  It is your time to rise. God will change things around you for your rising.
  Remain blessed.