Motivational Words on Finance, Career, Business, Education, Relationship and so on..

Tuesday 8 November 2016

God Is Always There

   You cannot understand everything about God. He will only tell you what He wants you to know. Human imagination is never enough to comprehend the ways of God. It is when God seems far away or when you are most lonely that God is closest. The darkest hour of the night is the closest to the dawn. There are moments in life when one may not be able to trace God in a current situation. And this does not mean God is not there with you. He said in the book of Isaiah 43:2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with thee”

   Moses’ trust in God was shaking when God sent him to deliver the children of Israel. It was while they began to see the miraculous manifestations of God that they began to notice the presence and gain confidence in God. God is everywhere infact, He is always with you. The way you see yourself is not as important as the way God sees you.

   You are not what you think you are but you are what God says you are. For instance, if God says He has released His blessings on you, know quite well that you are blessed. When Christ tells you that He became poor so that you might be rich through His poverty. Just go ahead and believe it and you will surely receive it.

    I think the problem with most people is not that they do not believe in God at all and solutions that does not come immediately as expected, they give up quickly and resort to fate. This is exactly what brings about frustration, loneliness, depression and in extreme case, suicide. God’s blessing is not reserved for people that have reservation for Him. My charge to you today is; trust in the lord always, whether it makes sense or not.