iCharity Club Worldwide
How it works?
Everybody contributes by making donations and everybody
earns from donations from others.
You donate to your sponsor/upline then receive N30,000
donations from 5 other members you directly referred or referred by your
sponsor/upline. All extra referrals will be auto-place under your direct
referrals until its full. It is called Spillover.
*Grade 1 donation to upline is N6,000
You will receive N6,000x5 = N30,000
*Grade 2 donation to upline is N12,000
You will receive N12,000x25=N300,000
*Grade 3 donation to upline is N24,000
You will receive N24,000x125=N3,000,000
*Grade 4 donation to upline is N36,000
You will receive N36,000x625=N22,500,000
*Grade 5 donation to upline is N60,000
You will receive 60000x3,125 = N187,500,000
*Grade 6 donation to upline is N90,000
You will receive 90,000x15,625 = N1,406,250,000
*Grade 7 donation to upline is N120,000
You will receive 120,000x78,125=N9,375,000,000
*Grade 8 donation to upline is N240,000
You will receive N240,000x390,625=N93,750,000,000
*Grade 9 donation to upline is N351,000
You will receive N351,000x1,953,125 = N6.855469e11
*Grade 10 donation to upline is N501,000
You will receive N501,000x9,765,625 = N4.892578e12 . click here icharity to register.
This is not a joke, it is real. WhatsApp me or Call me on
08032390769 for more information.