Motivational Words on Finance, Career, Business, Education, Relationship and so on..

Tuesday 15 November 2016

You Have No Excuse For Your Failure

   One thing I’ve known about successful people is that they take responsibility for their mistakes and failure. If you are the type that never wants to accept his mistakes, there will not be improvement in your life. Each time you tender reasons for your failure or non-performance, you can never have sense of improvement on whatever you are doing. Besides, when you transfer the blame of mistake to someone else, you will never be able to identify the source of the problem.

   A problem you fail to identify can never be solved. David retained his position as a man after God’s heart because he will always accept responsibility for his sins. Thus, despite his frailties and shortcomings as a mortal, God kept on loving him. When God called Adam to find out why he ate the forbidden fruit, rather than accepting the responsibility for the mistake made, he shifted the blame on his wife, and his wife shifted the blame on the serpent. 

  Genesis 3:12 “The woman you put with me, she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”

   Those excuses were not strong enough to convince God. Assuming he has accepted his failure God might forgive him and he will continue to live in the garden. One major reason excuses are not tenable is that, where you failed, someone like you had succeeded there before. Besides, what is so hard for you to do, someone like you had done it effortlessly and excellently well. I quite agree that mistake or failure could happen on the road to success, admitting it as it were makes it easy for you to receive forgiveness from God. Not only that, satan will find it difficult to put you in bondage of guilt conscience.

   Learn from your mistakes, it will make it easy for you to move on.

   Remain blessed.