Motivational Words on Finance, Career, Business, Education, Relationship and so on..

Thursday 1 November 2018

Power In Man (Mathematics of Life)


   2 & 3 are two different numbers. Start the counting from 0, 1 to 10, skip 2 and include 3 or include 2 and skip 3 makes the counting incomplete. The role of the two numbers is inevitable.
The square of 2 is 4 and the square of 3 is 9, the two have different square value (Power of Multiplication). 3 have the higher “Power of Multiplication” compared to 2. And 3 tends to “Infinity” faster than 2.
1 is a figure which when raised to power of any number gives 1. Its power of multiplication add no difference to its original. 2 & 3 are divisible by 1, simply means 1 is a “Common Factor” of 2 & 3, so its a Constant that exist among numbers.
0 is a figure when multiplied by any number gives 0 and when it is use to divide any number gives “Error”. 0 is not an appreciative number among others and even reduce the value of any number to itself, and 1 is always constant to all figures.
2 cannot live the Life of 3 and 0 cannot do the work of 1, the difference is simply clear.
Some people do compare their Life with another person’s Life. 2 & 3 represent two different man with different abilities and talents. Their abilities and talents determines their “Power of Multiplication”. No matter how high or small the power is, it all tends to “Success”. So, its a choice to determine how fast you want to make it.
Taking shortcut is like dividing a number by 0, the whole abilities and talents will be in vain for someone who tends to take shortcut and this will lead to the destruction of all efforts so far.
The “Common Factor”, 1, of 2 & 3 represents something constant about man which is “CHANGE”.
As long as there is no number which is not divisible by 1, so also is no man on Earth that cannot experience change as long as he is willing to.
Life is in phases and change brings about the movement from one phase to another. Change is an important tool in the Life of someone who desires success.
Is not really good comparing your Lifestyle with someone else own. The role of 2 is different from 3’s role, so also we have different roles to play.
It is better to realise “Who I am” because, upon the true realisation of “I” comes Power.
Two people can never be the same, we have different star, so live your life and we need to work together to make the counting complete.
Never be bothered if someone makes it faster before you. Its a race and we all gonna get to the finish line as long as we keep running no matter the obstacles.
Your duty, my duty is important. So don’t give up and you will make it before you could look up.