Motivational Words on Finance, Career, Business, Education, Relationship and so on..

Thursday 28 March 2019

Simple Way to Acquire Wealth

Lemme tell you what I realized recently.

Do u know the wealth and riches of God is far beyond human understanding?
Lemme start with this...

God created man and animal, the population of man is almost 8billion as at today also the population of animal. Let's not forget the aquatic animals... There are billions of them and a lot has not been discovered yet.

God created Earth and other planets.. Did u know there are thousands of planets and many more not yet discovered?

God created Stars. Did u know a star on its own constitutes many planets? And also SUN is the closest star to our universe and imagine how hot it is. There are billions of stars in the sky.

Did u know there is a planet full of diamond but it will take human being thousands of light-year to get there.

He also created the heavens not just the one we can see merely looking up.
And did u know no one knows the end of the sky or where it starts from.

And many more of his wealth and riches that I can't talk of.

And all you are chasing is car, house, money, power on the Earth that is nothing compared to his riches and wealth.

Think very well on this and you will realize that what you need is a close relationship with God and every other thing shall be given to you.

No wonder Jesus doesn't talk much about worldly riches. He only told us to 'seek first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and every other thing shall be added'.

Then I realize that this world is nothing to God to give me. All I have to do is know him and do his will.

Sincerely, there is nothing more important that we need on earth than to seek and please the owner of it.

Imagine knowing a rich man, you will always want to please him so he can give out of his riches to you.
You can't have a rich father and still be suffering. Remember the story of the prodigal son.

Then why is it hard to please the one who owns it all.

Remember what he says in Deuteronomy 28. Hearken diligently unto Him. That's all you need.

Wealth is nothing for God to give you. But he can't give it to someone he who doesn't know him or who is not ready to manage it  well. Get to know God today.

Healthwise: I get to know that all of our body parts has its spare with God. Whichever sickness you're going through God can heal you. Just seek Him.

He watches all of us. Please don't die in your ignorance. You need God first.
