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Monday 17 October 2016

In Need Of Mercy

   Mercy is a tendency toward forgiveness, pity or compassion. As a human being, we are not perfect. No matter how we try to be holy it cannot please God. We can try but at a point in time we will still misbehave or commit a sin. David that God loves so much, yet he sins more often, even though he may not wish but sin will come in one way or the other.
  Breaking a rule laid down by someone capable of ruling you is not showing that you disrespect him or her, but breaking the rule repeatedly shows that you do not respect the person. One thing about David is that he doesn’t commit a sin twice. If you commit a sin several time shows you have no respect for God and that mean you are not afraid of God.
   In the book of Psalm 103.11 “For as the Heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.” If he shows mercy to those that fear him, what about those that does not fear him?
   The major key to obtain God’s abundant mercy is to fear him. No matter what the sin you might commit as long as you fear him, he will always forgive you and draw you closer. The measure of the fear of him determines how great his mercy will be to you.

    Mercy is just a way of pitying someone that offends you which you know you have the right and power to punish. For example, if a child should offend the father, the father will likely want to punish him but if he sees that he is that child who has always been obedient and kept to his commandment, he will not want to punish him but just to warn him. But if he is a stubborn child he will definitely show no mercy than to punish him. So also it is to God.
Psalm 103.13 “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.”
    The simple key to obtain the mercy of God is to fear him. Are you in need of mercy? Now you should the things to do obtain God’s mercy. Learn to do his will, follow his direction, trust in him, rely on him and focus on him. He made a lot of promises to those that fear him. Learn to live in holiness and you shall be great.
Remain blessed.