The last bang of an axe on a tree is not the one that brings
down the tree, but several and persistent previous bangs prior to the last one.
Real impact is not in big things you do once, but in those little things you
seem to overlook. Mother Teresa once said, ‘we cannot do great things on this
earth. We can only do little things with great love’. Sometimes our quests to
do great things at some later time interfere with our chances to do little
things right now. You cannot change the world at once. You cannot change or
impact people at all once. All we really have to do is focus on those little
acts of kindness, things we can do right now. If your intention is to wait till
you have billions of naira or dollar in your account, or till you are comfortable
to make impact in your world, you will not be able to do anything, because you
would have waited too long.
Among several rich people that were dropping negligible
fractions of their wealth as gifts, it was only the poor widow’s coins that was
commended by Jesus. The widow was divinely adjudged the greatest giver.
Interesting! Why? She gave all she had with love and a sense of service to
mankind and God’s kingdom. It might shock you to know that those great things
people do openly with ulterior motives do not mean much to God. What really
counts before God are little, simple and secret services that are sometimes not
even recognized or appreciated, like feeding the hungry, comforting the
depressed, encouraging people to serve God; visiting the widows, helping the
orphans, cleaning God’s house, arranging chairs for people to sit down in the
church, clothing the naked and so on. It takes humility, love for God and a
sense of service to do such things.
Often, the most appreciated acts of kindness are not the
million-dollar grants from giant corporations but the one hour of volunteered
work in a home for the elderly or the five-dollar gift from someone who cannot
afford anything at all. It is not how big your kindness is but the attitude and
the love behind it.