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Tuesday 22 November 2016

How To Reduce Generalized Anxiety Disorder


    Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD is a type of nervous illness that can seriously impair the ability to function at home and in the workplace. Along with the jumpiness, fatigue and general sense of being out of sync with the world in general, people with anxiety disorders may also experience panic attacks that intensify the distress, sometimes to the point of feeling about to pass out or even die. Reducing Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a process that involves identifying the root causes for the illness, taking steps to minimize symptoms, and undergoing treatment that eventually brings about healing and recovery.

Find out why the anxiety order developed. While anxiety can be due to some type of emotional trauma, it can also occur as the result of prolonged periods of significant stress or even have a physical origin, such as a thyroid gland that is not functioning properly. Undergoing a complete physical by a medical professional who is familiar with the physical causes for anxiety will make it possible to determine if there is a physical cause that can be treated and gradually reduce the anxiety as the healing progresses.

Consider the use of therapy to help reduce Generalized Anxiety Disorder. A number of different therapies are available today to aid in recovery from this type of nervous illness. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an example of counseling and therapy that seeks to help the sufferer alter his or her perception of what happens during a panic attack, slowly allowing the patient to ease the fear that often feeds the attacks. For others, talk therapy can sometimes make a huge impact, reducing nervous jitters and slowly helping the individual to regain some degree of emotional equilibrium.

Think about medication as a way to manage anxiety symptoms. While anti-anxiety medication does not actually bring about healing, prescription medicines of this type do help to minimize the severity of the symptoms. When used in conjunction with other strategies to address and heal the underlying causes for the anxiety, the medication can be an excellent coping tool that helps to prevent the patient from developing a range of phobias or sinking into a state of depression.

Make some lifestyle changes. Anxiety can be exacerbated by poor diet and lack of exercise. Change the way you live so that your diet includes less fats and cholesterol while including more B vitamins, calcium and other nutrients that are important for a healthy nervous system and the proper balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. At the same time, include some type of exercise in your daily routine, since endorphins help to soothe overworked nerves and help restore a measure of calm.

Get some sleep. Poor sleep habits place additional stress on the nerves, resulting in higher levels of anxiety in people who are already suffering with a disorder. Many find that getting a night of recuperative sleep not only calms the nerves a bit but also decreases the possibility of experiencing a panic attack the next day. 

Source: WikiHow